In this continuity piece, our aim was to create tension and suspense but also keeping continuity. We opened the piece with a series of establishing long shots and panning shots with a calmer and slower paced feel. The pace quickens when we see a close up of two people running through a puddle, one after the other. The fast paced music has also faded in at this point creating the outset of a chase scene. I picked this music for our piece because of the fast drums, and eery guitar and the constant build up in beat. We then cut to a tracking medium full shot of the character in front running to from right to left of the frame. This is a clumsy mistake which I have identified, in the shot before the people were running from left to right, different to this shot.
The next shot has been very well timed with the music, we see the close up of the man run and stop facing the camera. He turns around and sees no one, when the music reaches a break we timed is so it was just as he turns to his left to see the hooded man walk towards him. Then we see the front character run into the building and down the corridor using a medium full panning shot about 90% from this we used a transition to cross blur the shots to again create a feel of disorientation and to also keep the pace fast. We cut to low angled close up of the first character running into shot and stops as lights go out. We also placed a thunder roll sound effect here to emphasise the lights going out and also to create suspense. The first character runs towards the camera and down the corridor in a tracking close up which turns into an over the shoulder shot, where we see the hooded figure standing at the end of the corridor. The lighting in this scene is especially effective in creating the darkness of the 'evil' character's face. However the light behind him does confuse the audience by wondering if he is good as he has light behind him where the other scared character is in complete darkness. cutting to an extreme close up of the scared person's finger turning on the light switch and then cutting to a fast panning to over shoulder seeing no one standing down the corridor as the lights flicker on.
To conclude the sequence we added a reverse angle close up of the scared person who turns to the hooded figure standing behind him. We cut to an close up of the scared persons eyes and quick faded to black with a series of sound effects to give the conclusion mystery, horror and shock. The final cuts were made to be black and white to create the feeling of fear and horror. We wanted to show that there was no colour left here, no good to save him and no hope.