Universal All ages admitted, there is nothing unsuitable for children.

Parental Guidance General viewing, but certain scenes may be unsuitable for children under 8.

12A May be unsuitable for under 12s. Those aged under 12 are only admitted if accompanied by an adult at all times during the performance (cinema only).

12 Suitable only for those aged 12 and over.
No-one younger than 12 can rent or buy a 12 rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game.

15 Suitable only for those aged 15 and over.
Nobody younger than 15 can see a 15 film in a cinema. No-one younger than 15 can rent or buy a 15 rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game.

18 Suitable only for adults.
Nobody younger than 18 may see an 18 film in a cinema.
No-one younger than 18 can rent or buy an 18 rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game.

Under these guidelines our film piece would most likely be rated a 15 as it contains violence, drug use, and gruesome images. Our target audience would mostly be for teenagers as we visualised this as something people of our age can relate to, which means the certificate we would see it under would be appropriate for our target audience aims.

Some of the previous information was provided from www.bbfc.co.uk in research.