Our groups final introduction to our thriller 'The Unburied'. This introduction originally had other music to create moods and emotions to be felt by the audience. We originally had music from 'The Watchmen' soundtrack by Tyler bates during the search of the house toward the end of the piece to create tension and built suspense. To create the mood of the party we also had the original soundtrack as 'Spitfire' by the Prodigy to create a feeling of youth and also insecurity as the song is full of hard sounds and eery effects. During the opening credits until we see the long shot, over the shoulder shot of the hooded figure looking at the house, we initially had the song 'My Body Is A Cage' by Peter Gabriel. This non diegetic track acted extremely well in applying a horror feel to the start of the piece and intending to create a slow pace which we would later contrast and quicken the pace with the Prodigy.
However because of the copyright measures put in place we were unable after a series of attempts to put our video on youtube as the audio was disabled time after time. We had no choice but to swap the audio with something basic, so I used some of the loops on the apple Ilife sound effects and managed to create an acceptable alternative to the audio.

Originally I created the story of the hooded man. Most of the shots if not all including him in were from my initial story boarding. Originally we wanted the introduction to be more split up and contain more flashbacks, like Quentin Tarantino's 'Pulp Fiction' of Robert Rodrieguez's 'Sin City' we all liked the idea of mixing the story up so it make little sense and then has a clever twist at the end. However we realised that this idea would be harder than we imagined and if it was not done well it would be very confusing and not successful. We then planned to keep the idea within reason, we decided to show the hooded character walking until he sees the house. We would then see the events of two nights earlier, keeping the audience asking questions about our hooded character but also answering previous questions about the house and the horrific event which had taken place there.
I had always pictured the interrogation scene to be quick and also misplaced. The scene takes place before the hooded figure sees the house, however it also comes after we see him walking. As it is explained this way people recognise and it becomes clear to the audience where it takes place. In actual fact we shot the interrogation scene while we were shooting the house scene as it seemed much more practical. Make-up was a big issue as we needed the character of the evil male to be beaten up to show the lengths the hooded character would go to to find the missing girl.